Natural Perceptions

The series Natural Perceptions challenges human decision making in developing conclusions from given visual stimuli.

What the eye sees is not always real. The perceptions of truth we develop can easily become devoid of reality. Truth, knowledge and belief have become blurred notions of everyday life. In a digital age of social media and news outlets with camouflaged political bias, separating fact from fiction has never held more importance. Living within in a global culture of untruths and misinformation, decision making based on critical analysis of information presented is becoming a forgotten skill.

Psychologist and epistemologist Jean Piaget discussed the theory of Constructivism in the early twentieth century. It was Piaget who devised that knowledge and learning are an active and constructive process where the learner constructs subjective knowledge on the basis of active experience and perception.

“Knowing reality means constructing systems of transformations that correspond, more or less adequately, to reality.”

Jean Piaget

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